How did you come to choose Prindit?

"We received recommendations from other similar organizations to explore Prindit. We chose Prindit because their tools matched our need to work systematically in faster cycles and receive feedback at both the individual and group levels. It was important for us that the pulse measurement we selected provided employees with direct feedback on their own results, allowing them to reflect, take responsibility, and influence their own work situation and collaboration with others. We also wanted support in understanding causes, interpreting results in various ways, and being able to take appropriate actions in a timely manner while following development and effects."

- Linda Carlberg, HR Manager at Östgötagrafik
Prindit Collaboration

What challenge and need did you hope Prindit would support you with?

We wanted support in continuing to develop leadership and employee engagement based on our vision, goals, and values. We aimed to put NMI (Employee Satisfaction Index) in stronger focus to gain a better understanding of how the work experience affects our ability to deliver results and find new solutions moving forward. Prindit, and specifically their VIP survey, fit well because it measures well-being, innovation, and productivity—factors that stimulate NMI.

Aha moments and insights:

Although we are still at the beginning of our journey with Prindit, we have experienced several aha moments. The biggest impact has been seen at the group level, where open discussions and dialogues have created a shared understanding of important components of working life. By working with challenges and difficulties, we have begun to see opportunities for improvement and adaptation.

Lessons and challenges

We have encountered some challenges during the implementation phase of Prindit. Local variations and lack of support in the rollout have been some of the main obstacles. We have learned that it is crucial to spend time and effort on implementation and that we need more support to ensure a smooth rollout. An important lesson is also to increase employee awareness to create better conditions for a rewarding employee experience. We also underestimated the importance of continuously following up and having more in-depth discussions to move forward.

Benefits of Prindit

Despite the challenges, we see several benefits in using Prindit. The tool has helped us lift our gaze and gain an operational focus on solutions. By being aware of how colleagues and employees feel, we have been able to give and receive positive feedback and catch potential challenges in time. Prindit has also created a sense of belonging and connection within the team.

Experience of Consulting Support

We have had a positive experience with the consulting support that Prindit has offered. Terese, who has been our main contact person, has been engaged and attentive. Her enthusiasm and drive have been infectious, and her presence powerful. We feel secure and guided throughout the process and appreciate Terese's ability to adapt to our needs and provide strategic advice to move the business forward.

How would you summarize your journey with Prindit?

"Our journey with Prindit has been an eye-opener in understanding and improving our workplace culture. By using Prindit's tools, we have gained a clearer picture of how well-being, innovation, and productivity impact our business. We have been able to work more systematically and in faster cycles, which has helped us focus on the right areas and take action based on concrete insights. Despite the initial challenges, Prindit has enabled us to create a more engaged and coordinated work environment. A great support for us to track our development and continue moving forward effectively,"

Linda, HR Manager at Östgötatrafik.